Google Privacy Sandbox eased user concerns about privacy. Chrome FLEDGE (First Locally Executed Decision Over Groups Experiment) is a Privacy Sandbox proposal facilitating remarketing and personalized audience use cases when a browser blocks third-party tracking across websites and apps. The proposal uses interest groups to showcase relevant ads to users. Google kick-started it in January 2021 and has now released a vital status update. The latest updates include event-level auction win reporting, trusted execution environment (TEE) usage for key/value service, fenced frames, K-anonymity, improved FLEDGE + attribution reporting integration, and bidding and auction services. Marketers have access to transparency and actionable items to prepare for a cookieless world, thanks to new FLEDGE features, service announcements, and proposed timelines.
Google Reveals Details of Chrome FLEDGE Update Favoring for SEO and PPC
March 1, 2023